Tuesday, 2 October 2012

ALDI liquor stores mean cheaper alcohol, but at what cost?

These days it is impossible to turn on the news without hearing about another violent incident fuelled by alcohol consumption.  One only has to look at Kings Cross on a Saturday night to see alcohol fuelled violence and havoc. While alcohol abuse has become such a prevalent issue, supermarket retailer ALDI has introduced discounted alcohol into 34 of its stores across NSW.

ALDI store at St. Marys sells liqour
Concerns have been raised by both NSW Heath, and the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA), for potential alcohol abuse. In a statement released by the council, CEO David Templeman said:
“Research by the State Government’s Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research directly correlates liquor outlet density with the incidence of assaults. The bureau’s report shows that more than half the assaults police recorded in the Sydney CBD occurred within 50 metres of a liquor outlet.”
However, the Casino, Liquor & Gaming Control Authority (CLGCA) saw the picture differently. The CLGCA found that there was no substantial relationship between alcohol abuse and liquor pricing from supermarket chains Woolworths, Coles and ALDI.

Wide range of wines available at ALDI
from as little as $5
Not all of ALDI’s plans to sell alcohol have gone according to plan. Earlier this year the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority of  NSW (ILGA) rejected ALDI’s application to sell liquor at its Taree store  in northern NSW. The ILGA decided to decline ALDI’s application after police claimed to find a direct link between reported incidents of alcohol related violence and consumption of liquor purchased from these supermarkets.

Despite these findings, not everyone is convinced. Dr Jenny Chalmers from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre believes that as the alcohol price goes down, harm goes up.

While you won’t find all the popular brands of alcohol at ALDI, there are a number of cheaper imitation alcoholic drinks available. Bottles of Sherry are under $5, and four litre casks of wine are available for less than $9. These discounted prices places ALDI far below their closest competitors Woolworths and Coles.  
ALDI sells beer for just $1 a can
While ALDI seems to be in full force in selling discounted liquor, the ILGA will continue to review further applications by ALDI to sell liquor.


  1. Although i havent tried the alcohol from ALDI myself, i can see the appeal when products are priced so low. Cheaper alcohol prices are alarming particularly for youth who are often immersed in a binge drinking culture. As ALDI are a large corporation, it is clear that they are placing their profit and sales first. Whether this decision is unethical is questionable.
    Whether other competition like Woolworths and Coles will lower their prices also is uncertain. At the same time, the authorities seem to be clearly lacking. Contradicting findings regarding alcohol consumption and inappropriate behaviour is not helping to find a solution.

  2. Lower prices for alcohol is great for responsible drinkers, however there are also others who will abuse this.
